How to Make Your Hair Grow Super Fast

A Complete Guide to Protect and Grow Your Hair Super Fast
One of the best ways to get shiny hair is to massage your hair and scalp with good oil. All  girls know about this eternal secret of beautiful hair. There are several direct and indirect benefits to regular hair and scalp massage. It has many more benefits such as improved blood circulation, deep conditioning, body-mind relaxation, stress relief.
What are the qualities of oil massage? Which is the most beneficial oil for hair growth and health? What is the best way to massage the scalp? Keep reading to get answers to all these questions.
The Benefits of Oil Massage
1.Helps in hair growth

Our hair is made of protein so we need adequate vitamins and other nutrients for proper hair growth. The oil fills all the deficiencies in the hair by providing the necessary nutrients to the hair. Massaging the scalp with oil opens the pores, resulting in better absorption of the oil. Regular oil massage cures all the damage caused by chemical and other therapeutic treatments, increases blood circulation, strengthens hair follicles and helps in hair growth. Indulekha Beetle Oil not only stops hair loss, it also helps restore hair health and regenerate new hair.
2.Tightens hair
Loose hair, excessive dryness or oiliness, split ends, hair breakage, these are signs of weakening of hair follicles. Cool temperatures, unhealthy eating habits, heat from styling equipment and certain strands of hair can be debilitating. Although it is normal to lose 100 to 150 hairs a day, if you continue to grow more hair, you can get adequate benefits by regular oil massage. Oil massage increases blood circulation to the scalp, so that nutrients easily reach the hair follicles. Also, the oil opens the pores of the scalp, resulting in improved hair health and hair.
Protects hair
Hair does not usually absorb water, as natural oils are formed on the scalp. This natural oil moisturizes the hair and keeps the hair nourished. However, climate change, chemical loading, hair products, heating equipment, pollution, chlorinated water and much more can damage hair health and make hair dry, damp and rough. Faded and lifeless hair is usually perforated because the outer protective layer is damaged. It boils when the amount of moisture in the air is high or water particles enter the hair after washing the hair. The outer part of the cuticle hair, however, cannot be extended like the inner part of the hair. So this part is wrinkled and the hair looks very uneven, rough. Regular application of oil to the hair prevents the hair from absorbing water again, so that water particles cannot enter the hair and cause damage.
Makes hair shiny
One of the characteristics of healthy hair is its shine. The oil makes the hair follicles hydrophobic which means the external fungus does not become brittle. Smooth and bright cuticle means healthy, shiny hair. Excess heat damages the hair and breaks the hair and breaks the ends of the hair. Regular oil massage can heal curly hair and make hair brighter and more beautiful by providing nutrition from within.
Prevents infection
Closure of the scalp can cause minor problems ranging from simple itching to bacterial or fungal infections. Like all these infections, dandruff can cause lice to breed which can damage the hair. Remember, there are always beneficial bacteria in the head. Regular massage with oils with natural anti-bacterial ingredients like honey helps to nourish the carcass and keep away all infections. However, if you notice any soft spots or red spots on your scalp, consult a dermatologist immediately.
Prevents dandruff
Dandruff is one of the main causes of hair growth. Climate change, pollution exacerbates the problem of dandruff. Excessive dryness of the scalp causes dandruff. As a result, the scalp becomes itchy, the hair follicles are damaged, the hair begins to break down, and the environment is conducive to the growth of lice. Duc dandruff is actually a dead cell on the scalp. Dandruff is most commonly seen in people whose scalp is extremely dry. The scalp becomes dry when the production of natural oils from the sebaceous glands of the scalp is reduced or stopped. Regular oil massage provides essential nutrients to the scalp and the oil glands begin to produce adequate natural oils. Keep in mind that excess oil can block hair growth by blocking pores on the scalp, so wash with a mild shampoo to bring the necessary balance to the hair.
Prevents premature aging
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Nowadays, both young and old groups suffer from premature hair loss. Lack of vitamins and proteins in the daily diet usually leads to premature hair loss. However, there are several reasons for premature growth, one of which is the tendency of genes. Just as melanin is responsible for skin color, so does melanin behind black hair. Hair color is darker due to the high amount of melanin. When there is a lack of throat, the hair starts turning white.
How Oil can Help Us to Grow Hair Faster:
Massage on the scalp with mild hot oil increases blood circulation, relaxes the veins and sub-nerves of the scalp. Oil massage lightens the body and mind, reduces stress and keeps the mood good. Since hair grows due to stress, regular oil massage is good for hair growth. Research says that regular oil massage improves eyesight!

The best oils for hair

1.Coconut oil
Coconut oil is naturally resistant against bacteria and fungi and helps to keep the scalp smooth. Studies have shown that virgin coconut oil does not cause any inflammation. As a result, this oil is best for hair growth due to physical inflammation. The moisturizer of coconut oil is very good and helps to maintain the shine of the hair.

2.Almond oil
This oil is not light and rich in vitamin E. This oil nourishes the hair, retains moisture and makes the hair strong and shiny. Almond oil nourishes the scalp and helps reduce dandruff. 

3.Olive oil
Olive oil is great for skin application and non-heated use. This oil contains enough essential fatty acids to invigorate the scalp, nourish the hair follicles, and aid in hair growth. This hair oil contains adequate moisturizer and is rich in vitamin E which is essential for hair growth. This oil contains oleic acid which easily penetrates deep into the hair and retains moisture

4.Castor oil
Castor oil works great for hair and is also quite popular as a cosmetic oil. With excessive amounts of hair growth they have more of the hormone prostaglandin or PG2 in their body. Studies have shown that this hormone can be suppressed with an ingredient in castor oil that can stop hair fall and improve hair growth.

5.Sesame oil
Sesame oil is used as a base oil in many Ayurvedic medicines. Sesame oil helps to reduce hair fall and scalp infections. Sesame oil is always used to treat skin conditions for hair conditions, nourishes the scalp and reduces dandruff.

The best way to apply oil to hair

Before shampooing
Asian girls have been following the method of applying hair oil before shampoo since ancient times. Applying oil to the hair before shampooing makes the hair hydrophobic, meaning that water cannot penetrate the inside of the hair and the hair fungus is not damaged.

Overnight treatment
If your hair is very rough, dry and brittle then overnight oil treatment is your only medicine. Choose an oil that absorbs deep into the hair. Rub on head and hair. Apply the necessary and carrier oil mixture on the scalp and hair according to the type of hair, then cover the hair with a shower cap before going to bed. You can cover the pillow with an old towel to prevent oil stains on the pillow and sheet. Wash hair with mild shampoo.

Hot oil massage
Massage with hot oil is much more beneficial than massaging with cold oil. This is because it strengthens the blood circulation system and consequently the nutrients reach the hair glands because without it the hot oil can absorb more hair. Just be careful not to overheat the oil, it can burn your skin. Heat the oil in such a way that you feel hot when you dip your finger in it but the skin does not burn. Do not overheat, as this can damage the oil's nutritional value.

Hot oil massage
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1. Wet the hair with water and apply the oil well on the scalp and hair. Leave as long as you want. Then wash with mild shampoo

2. If you apply the oil after washing the hair by absorbing the rough cuticle oil quickly, do not apply it at the beginning, it makes your hair look very wavy.

3. If you have less time on hand, mix a few drops of hair oil in the conditioner and apply it on the hair

4. Take water in a pot, mix a teaspoon of hair oil in it and mix well and soak your hair in it for 15-20 minutes. Now wrap your hair in a big towel and leave it for an hour, you will get more benefits with a mild shampoo. Wash off

5. Take water in a spray bottle and mix a few drops of hair oil in it and shake it well and spray it on wet hair. It nourishes the hair and protects it from heat styling damage.

Do's and don'ts
1. When applying oil, do not apply all the oil on the scalp Dip your finger in the oil, then apply it on the entire scalp.

2. Even if the method of oil massage is not proper, the hair can get up Rubbing oil on the scalp with the palm of the hand has a high risk of hair growth Massage with the tip of the finger for 10-15 minutes, it will improve blood circulation Do not pull the hair during the massage

3. Never use nails It is very important to remember this rule during massage There are two types of massage. In the first method, there is a circular movement of the hand and in the second method, there is dalaimalai In the case of hair, the first method is said to be followed and this is the most beneficial

4. You can apply it on the head with cotton and oil. It is softer than a finger

5. Do not apply extra oil as required, it will not be of any additional benefit to the hair. If you apply more oil, you will need more shampoo for washing. Take enough oil, but there is no need to oil the head and hair quietly

6. Before applying oil on the hair, you must remove all the tangles, otherwise more tangles may fall and the hair may be torn or broken.

7. Remember that after oil massage, the hair roots are slightly loose So do not tie your hair tight at this time, because it can cause hair to fall.

8. Just as regular hair oiling has many benefits, applying too much oil will do more harm than good. Do not do oil massage more than twice a week. Remember, shampooing frequently, however, destroys the natural oils on the scalp and hair and can exacerbate scalp and hair problems.

9. Choose Carrier Oil and Essential Oil in a way that suits your scalp and hair and can solve your hair problems. For example, almond oil is nutritious and anti-dandruff, while argan oil is very good for rough and dry hair.

10. Give time for the nutritional value of the oil so that it can be absorbed into the scalp and hair Wait at least half an hour to an hour after applying the oil and before shampooing

11. Do not do heat styling immediately after hair treatment
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You know everything about the methods and benefits of oil massage! Now spread the nutrients in your hair!

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